Social Service Program

Education of Occupants Adaptation to Health and Safety Demands in the Work/School Environment as an Effort Towards Blended Learning: Case Study: Kinanti UGM Dormitory

Implementation: Training on September 25, 2021

The importance of adapting building occupants, especially in educational buildings, is very important in the context of blended learning in an effort to optimize learning during a pandemic. This PPM program intends to provide practical training to residents of Kinanti Dormitory to prepare physical facilities and protocols at Kinanti Dormitory for the implementation of blended learning.

Education of Occupants Adaptation to Health and Safety Demands in the Work/School Environment as an Effort Towards Blended Learning: A Case Study of ABA Kindergartens in Sedayu

Implementation: Training on 28 June 2021

The importance of adapting building occupants, especially in educational buildings, is very important in the context of blended learning in an effort to optimize learning during a pandemic. This PPM program intends to provide practical training to teachers in ABA Kindergartens throughout Sedayu to prepare physical facilities and protocols in ABA Kindergartens in the context of implementing blended learning.

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Application Training for Making Boundaries of Safe Boundary Areas from Tsunami Disasters in Southern Java – Bali

The current tsunami disaster is a phenomenon that is a frightening specter for the world community, especially for people living in coastal areas. This was triggered by the occurrence of the largest tsunami in modern history on December 26, 2004, which affected a very wide area covering Southeast Asia, South Asia to East Africa. Until the last tsunami disaster in Japan, a tsunami as high as 10 meters devastated the east coast of Japan. The tsunami that hit Miyagi Prefecture is similar to the tsunami that hit Aceh on December 26, 2004. The tsunamis in these two areas are similar but not the same. Both started with an earthquake of more than 9 on the Richter scale that triggered a tidal wave. The wave height in Aceh reaches 14-32 meters. Meanwhile, the tsunami wave height in Miyagi Prefecture and its surroundings is estimated at 6-14 meters. The fear of the tsunami then spread to all coastal areas of Indonesia. One effort that can be done is to estimate the areas that will be affected by the tsunami based on the tsunami models that can be made. These models are based on the major earthquakes that have occurred in the region. With this estimate, the boundaries of areas that are not affected by the tsunami inundation or safe areas will be obtained. In addition, by paying attention to the distribution of the population and safe areas as evacuation sites, possible evacuation opportunities can be identified. These models are based on the major earthquakes that have occurred in the region. With this estimate, the boundaries of areas that are not affected by the tsunami inundation or safe areas will be obtained. In addition, by paying attention to the distribution of the population and safe areas as evacuation sites, possible evacuation opportunities can be identified. These models are based on the major earthquakes that have occurred in the region. With this estimate, the boundaries of areas that are not affected by the tsunami inundation or safe areas will be obtained. In addition, by paying attention to the distribution of the population and safe areas as evacuation sites, possible evacuation opportunities can be identified.

Pada kegiatan Pengabdian Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PPM) ini merupakan lanjutan dari kegiatan pemetaan daerah aman tsunami yang telah dilaksanakan sebelumnya. Pada Kegiatan PPM ini difokuskan untuk Pelatihan Aplikasi Pembuatan Peta Daerah Batas Aman Dari Bahaya Bencana Tsunami di Selatan Pulau Jawa – Bali. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini melibatkan pemerintah, instansi kebencanaan, organisasi masyarakat dan masyarakat pesisir pantai selatan Pulau Jawa dan Bali.

Pelaksanaan: Pelatihan pada 4 September 2021

Buku Saku Teknologi Nuklir untuk Guru SMA Tahun 2021

Buku ini disusun dalam rangka Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat sekaligus untuk berpartisipasi melakukan edukasi dan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat khususnya di lingkungan pendidikan sekolah menengah atas. Melalui buku kecil ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat untuk memberi pemahaman yang utuh seputar teknologi nuklir, baik secara umum maupun spesifik, sehingga dapat menjadi acuan untuk menyebarluaskan IPTEK nuklir. Kegiatan berupa pembagian Buku Saku Teknologi Nuklir untuk Guru SMA di DI Yogyakarta dan beberapa kota lain di Indonesia. Distribusi buku telah diterima dengan baik oleh pihak SMA yang dituju.


  1. Pengemasan buku-buku yang telah dicetak pada tanggal 9 dan 16 November 2021
  2. Pendistribusian buku-buku ke SMA di DI Yogyakarta pada tanggal 11 dan 15 November 2021


Video Kegiatan


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Sistem Penyediaan Air Bersih dengan Memanfaatkan Energi Terbarukan

Keadaan suplai air bersih di Kecamatan Tepus, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul sebagaimana telah jamak diketahui oleh masyarakat selalu mengalami kelangkaan secara periodis pada musim kering. Pada kesempatan awal melakukan survey lokasi dan penentuan potensi daerah sumber daya alam, maka sangat diperlukan koordinasi dengan fihak PEMDA Gunung Kidul maupun Pemerintah Kecamatan Tepus serta dengan pihak PU DIY. Kegiatan awal ini untuk memastikan bahwa lokasi yang dipilih nantinya merupakan prioritas pembangunan bagi daerah yang bersangkutan. Setelah dicapai kesepakatan yakni lokasi pilihan adalah Dusun Sureng, maka segera diproses kontak person untuk dilakukan kegiatan selanjutnya yakni penyiapan sumber daya yang potensial untuk nantinya bertindak sebagai agen pembangunan. Bersama dengan pihak Pemda Gunung Kidul dan Kecamatan Tepus maka disepakati 10 orang agen yakni 5 dari PEMDA dan 5 dari lokasi/daerah tujuan yang akan dibangun sistem. Kegiatan survey lapangan dilaksanakan untuk memastikan situasi dan kondisi lapangan dengan cara melakukan pengukuran dan pendataan penduduk dan keadaan demografi. Setelah mendapatkan data lapangan awal, maka kegiatan selanjutnya adalah kegiatan untuk menghasilkan Detailed Engineering Design (DED) sistem suplai air bersih kombinasi antara rencana pemda dan rencana dari Jurusan Teknik Fisika UGM.


 Year Dana
2011 Rp. 285,500,000
2012  Rp. 95,500,000
2013  Rp. 94,286,765


Activities that have been done include:

  1. Discussion and coordination with the local government of Gunung Kidul regarding the target locations and communities covered by the program.
  2. Field survey on locations that have potential water resources and geographical conditions.
  3. Repair of clean water supply system
  4. Technical capacity training of staff and water user communities

PresentsidiBAPPEDAGunungKidul SurveiTimTeknikFisikadiLokasi1 SurveiTimTeknikFisikadiLokasi2  DenahSistemSPAMdiDusunSureng PesertaWorkshop1 DiskusiDiLokasiPompa