Satu lagi karya penelitian yang dikerjakan di Jurusan Teknik Fisika UGM akan diterbitkan di jurnal internasional. Detil dari paper tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
-) Judul: Textile-based microfluidics: modulated wetting, mixing, sorting and energy harvesting.
-) Penulis: Gea Oswah Fatah Parikesit, Fajar Prasetia, Galih Angga Pribadi, Denny Christian Simbolon, Ginar Yoga Pradhana, Aishah Rumaysa Prastowo, Alex Gunawan, Kutut Suryopratomo, Indraswari Kusumaningtyas.
-) Abstrak: Microfluidics technology allows us to perform rapid and massively parallel manipulation and characterization of fluid samples with biomedical and environmental importance. In the attempt to achieve resource-efficient fabrication and operation of the microfluidic devices, paper-based and thread-based microfluidics have been previously demonstrated by other researchers. We propose to develop textile-based microfluidics, formed by three-dimensional networks of individual threads, to further advance the ability of paper-based and thread-based microfluidics. This paper describes four different phenomena that we investigate in textile-based microfluidic systems: modulated wetting, liquid mixing, liquid sorting, and energy harvesting. Our results indicate the feasibility of textiles as a new platform to develop low-cost microfluidic technology.
-) Akan terbit tahun 2012 di: Journal of the Textile Institute
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi Lab Mikrofluida, Jurusan Teknik Fisika UGM