On November 1-5 2021, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) held The International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management: Solutions for a Sustainable Future . The event, which was held at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna, Austria, was attended offline and online by more than 300 presenters and participants from various countries.
The topics discussed at the event were:
- Radioactive Waste Management – National Programmatic Perspectives.
- Radioactive Waste Management – Implementation of Waste Management Strategies.
- Solutions for Specific Wastes.
- Role of the Safety Case Development in Supporting Radioactive Waste Management.
- Socio-Economic Aspects of Radioactive Waste Management Programmes.
- Integrated Waste Management.
- Multinational Cooperation in Radioactive Waste Management.
On this occasion, the committee also opened a special program called the Young Professional Program . This program is intended for undergraduate, postgraduate, postgraduate and young nuclear workers. The event for them started on October 31, 2021 with the topic “ Being Part of the Solution: Career Paths for a Sustainable Future ” where participants got an overview of the career paths of these young professionals.
One of the participants in this program is Harkamaya Nursetya Putra, a 2017 Nuclear Engineering student. In this conference she presented a paper entitled “ Study on The Radioactive Burnable Waste Management of Nuclear Medicine Facilities in Indonesia: Case of Sardjito Hospital’s Waste ” which was included in the topic “ National Programmatic Perspectives ”. This paper, which was prepared with his friends, is a deepening of their assignment in the Radioactive Waste Management and Treatment course. This paper had attracted the attention of observers who felt they had the same problem in their country, namely Portugal.