- Books printing and packaging: December 20, 2020
- Books delivery: 23 and 28 December 2020
The increasing number of security issues at the global level motivates the need to develop an adequate competence of Human Resources (HR) in the field of Indonesian nuclear security, especially for security officers such as the TNI / Indonesian National Armed Forces (Nubika, CBRN) and POLRI / Indonesian National Police (Gegana, Puslabfor).
The recent incident related to the issue of nuclear security in Indonesia was the discovery of radioactive material in the plantation of a housing estate in Serpong a few months ago.
The Nuclear Engineering Study Program, which has become a member of the IAEA’s International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN), has a moral responsibility to improve the skills of human resources in Indonesia. For this reason, the Nuclear Engineering Study Program has conducted training for two consecutive years to the Indonesian National Police in terms of nuclear security using facilities owned by UGM.
Due to the current pandemic conditions, the Community Service Program in nuclear security training for security officers is not possible face-to-face. Therefore, a pocketbook for security officers has been prepared as a reference for them in their duties this year. This book was distributed to PK4L UGM, POLDA DIY, Labfor POLRI, Research and Development Center POLRI, and Brimob Unit POLRI.
The material in this handbook refers to the IAEA nuclear security training and applicable regulations.