
The Renewable Energy Laboratory
The Renewable Energy Lab is a place to conduct basic and applied research practicums and experiments regarding New and Renewable Energy (Water, Solar, Bayu) along with energy efficiency and conservation to create a green and sustainable life.

The Sensor and Telecontrol System Lab
The Sensor and Telecontrol System Lab is a place to conduct practicum, research experiments and technopreneurship around sensors and remote control devices for industrial instrumentation and disaster mitigation applications.

The Nuclear Energy Technology Lab
The Nuclear Energy Technology Lab is a place for conducting practicums and experiments regarding radiation detection and measurement as well as analysis of elemental content in a material using Neutron Activation Analysis (AAN).

The Nuclear Chemistry and Process Technology Lab
The Nuclear Chemistry and Process Technology Lab is a place for conducting practicum and research experiments regarding chemical processes in general and nuclear chemistry such as radioactive waste management and the application of radioactive substances in various fields (including radiotracer).

The Computing Lab
The Computing Lab is a place to conduct Basic Informatics Practicum and other researches related to simulation of physical systems and artificial intelligence.