Renewable Energy Group
The Renewable Energy Group conducts large amount of activities in lecture, research and community service (also involving industries). Parts of these activities are conducted in cooperation with other institusions within Gadjah Mada University as main partners: other departments at the Faculty of Engineering, Centre for Energy Studies as well as Institute for Research and Community Services. In the Department of Physics Engineering, they are supported not only by the Laboratory of Renewable Energy, but also by other laboratories. Most of the activies show strong character of multidisciplines and comprehensive approach.
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[restab title=”Members” active=”active”]
The Laboratory of Renewable Energy at the Department of Engineering Physics provides main support for this group. Team members of this laboratory are:
- Kutut Suryopratomo, M.T., M.Sc. (Head of the Laboratory)
- Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan
- Dr. M. Kholid Ridwan
- Dr. Rachmawan Budiarto
- Dr. Nunung Prabaningrum
- Budiyono (staff for technical and administration support)
Besides, the group is also supported by other lecturers of the Department of Physics Engineering:
- Dr. Andang Widi Harto (Nuclear Energy)
- Dr-Ing. Awang N.I. Wardana (Instrumentation & Control)
- Balza Achmad, M.Sc.E. (Sensor & Control)
- Prof. Sunarno, Ph.D. (Sensor & Control)
- Ferdiansjah, M.Sc. (Material Technology)
- Dr-Ing. Kusnanto (Material Technology)
- Susetyo Hario Putero, M.Sc. (ProcessTechnology)
- Widya Rosita, M.T. (ProcessTechnology)
[restab title=”Projects”]
Selected activities are as follows:
- Renewable Energy in Fossil Energy Industry: Exploring feasibility of renewable energy use in coal mining and coal – based powerplant. Location: South Kalimantan and Central Java (2008, 2012). CP: Rachmawan Budiarto
- Comprehensive Green Design For Rest Area: Implementing comprehensive approach in developing green luxurious rest area in Jakarta. Holistic green concept, architectural and interior design, structural design, mechanical and electrical design, photovoltaics, waste management and landscape design, platform for visual, thermal and accoustical comfort, platform for integrated control room. (2012). CP: Rachmawan Budiarto
- Supporting Network for Renewable Energy: Renewable energy in developing disadvantaged areas: comprehensive and long term approach, institutional building, supporting network, proper technology. Location: Gorontalo, Bima – West Nusa Tenggara, Sorong – West Papua (2010 – 2012). CP: Rachmawan Budiarto
- Hydro Powerplant: Studies and designs (including DED) for 24 hydro powerplants (up to 4000 kW). Location: Central Java, West Sumatra, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo, North Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, and the Maluku (2006 – 2012). CP: Rachmawan Budiarto
- Photovoltaics for Water Supply: Survey, Design, Quality of Water Resources, Alternatives Comparison (Diesel, Electrical Grid, Photovoltaics). Location: Lembata – East Nusa Tenggara (2010 – 2012). CP: Rachmawan Budiarto
- Community Empowerment In Applicating Hydram Technology: Community empowerment in applicating hydram technology. Location: Dairi – North Sumatera and East Manggarai – East Nusa Tenggara (2010 – 2011). CP: Rachmawan Budiarto
- Photovoltaics Mobile Unit For Disaster Area: Developing and distributing PV-based energy supply and recharger unit as a form of emergency response to natural disasters. Ready for up-scaling and mass production. Location: Developed in Faculty of Engineering UGM and delivered to Padang – West Sumatera (2010). CP: Rachmawan Budiarto
- Ocean Energy: Study on sea current and wave energy. Location: Ternate and Morotai – North Maluku (2009). CP: Rachmawan Budiarto
- Renewable Energy From Palm Oil Industry: Design on System for Utilizing Waste of Palm Oil Industry as Renewable Energy Resources. Location: Central Kalimantan (2008). CP: Rachmawan Budiarto
[restab title=”Collaborations”]
This group is also active in many international collaboration programs. They are for example:
- InSIStS (Indonesia Sweden Initiative for Sustainable Energy Solution). Cooperation on knowledge and network sharing, showcasing, development and test-proofing sustainable energy solutions. Partners: CIDA Sweden, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden (SP), Swedish Energy Agency, Indonesia National Energy Council, other departments in Faculty of Engineering UGM, etc. Locations: Sweden and Indonesia (2013 – on going). CP: Rachmawan Budiarto
- Regional Economic Development (RED) Steer and Green Economics Program. Capacity building and Strategy Development in Regional Economic Development. Policy to increase use of renewable energy and energy conservation technology in various multidiscipline aspects affecting regional economic development. Partners: National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Institute for Research and Community Services UGM, GTZ/GIZ and stakeholders in Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam. Locations: Germany, India and Indonesia (2010 – 2012). CP: Rachmawan Budiarto
- PROIndo. Building platform on Indonenesia-Germany Cooperation in Energy Security and Development Of Small and Medium Enterprise. Partners: FZI Research Centre for Information Technology and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Research and Community Services UGM, Centre for Energy Studies, Bank Mandiri. Locations: Germany, Indonesia (2010 – 2011). CP: Rachmawan Budiarto
- Comprehensive Study On Small Hydropower For Rural Electrification. Partners: JICA Japan – Institute for Research and Community Services UGM. Location: Indonesia (2010). CP: Rachmawan Budiarto
- Market Potential Mapping and Marketing Strategy for Photovoltaic, Biofuel and Wind Turbine Industry. Partner: Korindo Heavy Industry (South Korea). Location: Indonesia (2008). CP: Ferdiansjah
[restab title=”Awards”]
The group shows performance which is internationally acknowledged. Following are international awards that are received by the group:
- United Nations University Network – Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) Recognition Award for “Preparing Green Economics Through Synergy Among Courses in Engineering Physics Gadjah Mada University” (2012)
- Winner of Modialogo
[restab title=”Books”]
Available books in renewable energy are:
- Rachmawan Budiarto, 2013 and 2011, Kebijakan Energi – Menuju Sistem Energi Yang Berkelanjutan (Energy Policy – Towards Sustainable Energy System), Samudera Biru, Yogyakarta.
- Ahmad Agus Setiawan, 2009, Renewable Energy Applications for Sustainable Development: Development of a Modular AC Coupling Minigrid Hybrid System for Sustainable Power Supply in Remote Areas and Disaster Response and Reconstruction, VDM Verlag, Saarbrücken, Germany.
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Mondialogo MEA Winner 2007 Indonesia Australia A winning project cooperation between student group from Curtin University, Australia and Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia on the utilization of Renewable Energy Technology to participate in combating Climate Change. |
KKN-PPM UGM Juli – Agustus 2008 dan 2009 Kuliah Kerja Nyata – Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat UGM sebagai pelaksanaan dan implementasi Mondialogo Engineering Award 2007 dengan membangun Solar Water Pumping System di Dusun Banyumeneng, Desa Giriharjo, Kecamatan Panggang, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. |
[embedyt][/embedyt] Peresmian Solar Water Pumping System KKN-PPM UGM 2009 (Berita Malam Jogja TV) |
[embedyt][/embedyt] Liputan Pelaksanaan KKN-PPM UGM 2010 Kuliah Kerja Nyata – Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat UGM di Dusun Banyumeneng, Desa Giriharjo, Kecamatan Panggang, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Program utama adalah pembelajaran perawatan dan aspek keberlanjutan dari Solar Water Pumping System kepada masyarakat lokal. |
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