In this year, the 6th ASTECHNOVA International Energy Conference will be held together with the 3rd Engineering Physics International Conference (EPIC) 2021 as a Joint International Conference in which the two conferences will share the same venue and schedule. The ASTECHNOVA promotes the theme “Innovations for Energy Security” meanwhile EPIC promotes the theme “The Roles of Engineering Physics for Sustainable Development Goals”. The program of these conferences is combined which includes keynote and plenary lectures, parallel presentation, workshop, forum meetings, industry exhibition, as well as best-paper and best-presenter awards.
From 2014 until 2019, the conference was held successfully and attended by several foreign participants from four continents, i.e. Asia, America, Europe, and Africa.
The ASTECHNOVA 2021 -International Energy Conference- will systematically examine the following topics: Energy Security, Nuclear Technology, New and Renewable Energies, Urban Infrastructure & Utilities, Energy Efficiency & Conservation. Meanwhile, topics for EPIC 2021 are Material Science, Instrumentation, Optic & Photonic, Acoustic & Vibration, Building Physics. The 6th Astechnova 2021 and the 3rd EPIC 2021 will proceed as scheduled in an all-virtual, web conference format
- To increase the opportunity of research collaboration for solving energy security challenges and realize sustainable development goals.
- To initiate and strengthen partnerships among universities, industries, and government institutions.
- To provide the means of scientific gathering for national and global Engineering Physics and Nuclear Engineering researchers.
- To increase the scientific publications from national and global Engineering Physics and Nuclear Engineering researchers.
- To give a chance for students and the young generation to interact with Engineering Physics and Nuclear Engineering activists from various countries.
Important Dates
Extended abstract submission deadline | 1 May 2021 |
Notification of acceptance | 22 May. 2021 |
Full paper submission deadline | 30 June 2021 |
Camera-ready submission deadline | 8 August 2021 |
Conference dates | 24-25 August 2021 |
Paper Submission
Prospective authors can submit extended abstracts of their papers via the Editor Assistant (EDAS) portal(ASTECHNOVA https://edas.info/N28264 and EPIC https://edas.info/N28265). The extended abstracts will be blindly-reviewed by reviewers to determine their acceptances to be included in this conference by submitting full papers. The full papers will be undergoing another blind review to guarantee their quality. The extended abstract must conform to the submission format outlined, otherwise it will not be reviewed or accepted for publication. All accepted papers will be published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science indexed by Scopus (Astechnova) and AIP Publishing (EPIC).
All questions related to the conference can be addressed to epic@ugm.ac.id or astechnova@ugm.ac.id.
For more detailed information, please visit the websites below:
– EPIC > https://epic.ugm.ac.id/
– ASTECHNOVA > https://astechnova.ugm.ac.id/